A Symptom


This is a symptom…

While I do not approve of Trump, this is not all his fault, nor is has it been caused by the Corona-virus, this brokenness is rooted deep in our history; however, these things have brought our broken places to the surface.

The good news is that most of the people in this country are decent people who have compassion for others, and do not want to see us divided. Most of us are also appalled at the injustice and inequality that has only been exposed, but have always been with us.

Fortunately, now that these problems have been exposed, they cannot be shoved back into the darkness of denial…they have to be addressed.

We can begin by speaking the truth of our faults, that there is still so much that is wrong with our nation…that we are still plagued by inequality and injustice. Sometimes I think people are reluctant to speak out for fear of being shouted down, but remember, the loudest voices are not necessarily correct, they are just loud!

Those of us who are Christians are called to follow the example of Christ in all we do, by showing compassion and love to all those in need. This includes the people we disagree with, and speaking the truth of the God’s love to those who are broken is also a way of showing compassion.

We are all facing this crisis together, and while the pandemic has been devastating, it can also be an opportunity to treat our brokenness.

This is our truth: that while there is still so much that is wrong with our nation, we are all in this together, and that it is only by working together that we will find reconciliation and healing to make our new normal better than the one we left behind.

Which Way?


John 10:1-10; May 3, 2020

Jesus the Good Shepherd


These days, it is hard to know what direction to take in our lives…

We are sheltering in place to keep ourselves and others safe, because it is the right thing to do!

However, even those of us who are most committed to Social Distancing, can find ourselves questioning…

“Is quarantining ourselves is really worth it?”

“Is it really helping?”

Like others, we may find ourselves wondering if the ‘cure’ is worse than the disease.

Many have been put out of work, and are struggling financially, relationships have suffered, both from too much distancing, or too little.

Educations have been disrupted, sports, concerts and family gatherings cancelled or postponed…including weddings and funerals.

Times when we most need to be together, to get a good hug, a warm hand…and we are advised to stay at least six feet apart.

We have many ways that we can connect remotely, through the internet and phone, but it is not the same, and in many ways we feel as if we are farther apart than ever before.

We wonder if it is okay to go to the store to buy food, clothes or other necessities?

When do we wear a mask?

Is it alright to go to the park, the lake, for a run, hike or bike ride?

Or just to walk the dog.

Can we go and visit a friend who is down, offer comfort to those who mourn? How do we take care of people who are sick, with virus or any other disease?

Are we doing enough?

And we can find ourselves asking “What will come next?”

It is easy to feel confused and a bit lost now, because it is so hard to know what to do.

Right now, we are truly in need of some guidance…but where will we find it?

We can look to today’s Gospel, when Jesus tells us that he is the good shepherd!

A shepherd leads the flock, feeds them, and cares for them…even when they do not want to be cared for, even when they want to go their own way.

As OUR good shepherd we can look to Jesus for guidance…to live in the answer of the old question: “What would Jesus do?”

We can do as Jesus taught us, by showing compassion, consideration, and care, for others.

We are following Jesus when we sacrifice our own comfort and convenience in order to keep others safe and protected.

When we act selflessly, putting the needs of others ahead of our own.

When we support those who are feeling brunt of this quarantine, through the kindness of a phone call or a text, connecting via Zoom or Skype…to help all of us feel less ‘isolated’.

When we offer comfort to those struggling, with money trouble, Depression, Addiction, or illness…even the virus, when we do all these things, we are following the lead of our good shepherd.

It is not always easy to follow Jesus, but then, his journey was not an easy one…but he is our best teacher and guide.

When we move forward despite our questions and doubts, and seek to do the next right thing…even if we are not sure what that is.

When we seek to unite rather than divide…

We can help each other find our way to healing, not just from the virus, but from all the ills and injustices that this pandemic has brought to the surface…where they can be treated.

For when we follow our good shepherd, we are acting as Christ in the world, sharing his message of hope…

The message of the Gospel, the message that God’s love is for all people, and is meant to be shared. This message has the power to reconcile and restore us.

And our world is very much in need of Christ’s message of hope, we are need of some good shepherding, because this health crisis has also become an economic and political struggle.

Causing us to become further divided at a time when we need to come together to face our common foe!

Yet, all is not lost, because while this pandemic can break us, it can also give us the opportunity face the faults that keep us apart, allowing us to move forward more connected and unified than ever before.

With our good shepherd leading the way, we too can become shepherds.


Peace Be With Us

jesus appears


April 19, 2020; Second Sunday of Easter

John 20:19-31

I have red hair, when I was young, it was really red…and I was often reminded of this fact, by strangers, old ladies at church, and bullies.

One day, when I was in second grade, I ran afoul of said bullies, and after letting them know that I did not appreciate their teasing, they offered to meet up with me after school to discuss the situation further: a classic set up, right out of the movies.

However, it was not quite as much fun in real life.

So, when school ended, I found myself sheltering in place. I was smart enough to stay near the office, but could see the bullies loitering just outside. I knew I was safe for the moment, but would not be able to stay there for long, and was thinking of an exit strategy, but not coming up with anything practical.

All I knew was that it was not safe to go outside.

I was thinking about my chances of taking another exit, thinking they could not be watching both the front and back doors at the same time…right? Then I saw a rattling old ’65 Valiant pull up to the curb!

It was my big brother Pete!

I was not expecting him, but my mother had asked him to pick me up after school, because there was big news!

When I walked out of the school, the bullies approached, but Pete saw them and told them to “get lost” and they backed away!

I was safe, at least for that afternoon!

When I got home, my mother told me I was changing schools!

(Yes, this really happened)

I would have to get used to a ‘new normal’ but at least those bullies wouldn’t bother me again!

And I knew that no matter what happened, that I would always have someone watching my back, always have someone to support me…just like Pete did, when he chased off the bullies.

In today’s Gospel, we find the disciples, also sheltering in place.

They were afraid to go out…because it was dangerous out there.

I remember hearing this Gospel in church, as a child, and thinking that they lacked faith in God, faith in the words of Jesus.

Wondering why they did not go out boldly and stand up their bullies…although I used caution with my own.

Looking down on them because they were afraid, and hiding.

However, these were thoughts of a child, and I was mistaken. For the disciples, going out WAS dangerous!

It would have put their lives, and the lives of those they loved, at risk because the same people who had executed Jesus wanted to kill them as well!

So, the disciples stayed hidden, and waited until it was safe to go outside; although they did not know when that would be.

While in hiding behind locked doors, they did their best to make sense of everything that had happened:

The arrest, torture and death of Jesus, the threats given by those in power, and now, the stories of his return! None of it made any sense, no wonder the disciples were afraid and confused.

They were facing an uncertain future. They knew it would be different, but had no idea what it would be like…yet.

But, for the moment, they knew it was better for them to play it safe, and stay in hiding.

There are some of us who may be able to relate to how the disciples were feeling on this evening.

Then, in the midst of their fear, sorrow and confusion, Jesus was with them!

And he appeared right when they needed him!

Just like my brother Pete did on that afternoon!

On this evening, the disciples needed hope, they needed to have something to give them peace, they needed Jesus!

He knew this, and so the first thing Jesus said to them was “Peace be with you”.

Usually, it is a simple greeting, but here, in the midst of their hiding place, these words became something more!

The last thing the disciples were feeling at that moment was peace.

Jesus’ greeting was also a sincere wish calm, a message of hope in the midst of a very difficult time.

Telling them, “Peace be with you” was a way of letting the disciples know that they were not alone, that God was still with them…that the promise of Christ, the promise of new life, was at hand…and this was reason for peace!

And this gift was given to them…and to all of us!

Then, Jesus asks us all to go out into the world, to tell others the good news, to share this gift of peace with a troubled world.

It is not an easy task, as our world is unsettled, and not everyone wants to hear this message of peace, nor does everyone want to hear the about God’s presence in our world.

The disciples would discover this for themselves, and that is why their road was not an easy one, but Jesus never promised that following him would be easy. There were plenty of reasons for them to have fear and uncertainty, but in the words of Jesus: “Peace be with you” there is hope, and strength.

Because with these words, Jesus is reminding the disciples that they are not alone, that they were part of the miracle of the Resurrection.

That faith can overcome fear.

Our lives are not easy either, even without a pandemic there are plenty of reasons to feel fear and uncertainty…

And at a time like this, it is even more important to be at peace, to seek out the faith that can quiet our fear, the hope that is found in knowing that God’s love surrounds always.

It is also important to remember that not only did Jesus wish us peace, but he also called upon us to be peace in our world…and to share this gift with our troubled world.

For the more we share God’s love and grace with each other the stronger it grows!

When we show compassion to those who are struggling, offer comfort to those who mourn, we are sharing our faith, faith that speaks to fear and uncertainty.

It is together that we will find the peace that we need to face the challenges of today, together that we will become the peace we need to move forward into our new normal…as we adjust to a new way of life in the wake of the virus.

In our new normal, it will be even more important for us to watch out for each other; not only to share this peace, but to be that peace!

May the peace of the Lord be with us all.

“Lazarus Come Out!”


March 29, 2020

John 11:1-45; The Death of Lazarus


I have often wondered what it must have been like…

For Lazarus.

What it must have been like to be so sick, laying in his bed and hoping to see Jesus, not only because he was a friend, but also because Lazarus knew that Jesus…who had become known for healing others, may also be able to save him from this illness.

But still Jesus did not come, and Lazarus faded…

His sisters, Mary and Martha, were caring for him, spending their days in his sick room, praying for his recovery, and then, perhaps, for his comfort.

They too were hoping for Jesus to come and help, but were also disappointed.

We can only wonder what it must have been like for Lazarus, as he finally lost the battle with his illness, the light of this world slowly growing more distant until hope of healing was out of reach.

And still Jesus had not come to help.

We don’t have to imagine how Martha felt when Jesus finally arrived, but was far too late to help.

We can almost hear it in her voice when she tells him “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died…”

But Jesus had his reasons for the delay, as he told his disciples a few days earlier “This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God’s glory”.

Still and all, the loss of his friend did not feel good for him either.

This is why the Gospel tells us that “Jesus wept” at the loss of his friend.

In this moment, we can find ourselves weeping with him.

Then, we are also made a part of the joy experienced when Jesus called “Lazarus come out!” and the man staggered from the darkness of death and back into the light.

However, we have to wonder what it was like for Lazarus to return, to come back from the dead and its mysteries?

We wonder what those four days in the darkness were like, and what it did to him.

Many people who are in Recovery from Addiction to drugs or alcohol will say that they know what it is like to be in Hell, because that is where they addictions took them.

Finding Sobriety can be like coming back to life, returning from the dead and walking back into the light.

Yet this journey is not an easy one, because recovery does not bring us back to where we were, but takes us to a new place, and we have to learn a whole new way to live!

Perhaps Lazarus could have understood this.

After he was raised, his old life was out of reach, it no longer existed for him…

He had to find a new way to live his life.

The change must have been immediate, as how do you come back from the dead and not have even those you are closest to treat you differently?

And there was more, as the next chapter of John tells us that the same people who would soon be nailing Jesus to the cross also wanted to kill Lazarus.

They wanted to make sure he stayed this time, so that proof of Jesus’ miracle was not just walking around for all to see, so Lazarus ran away.

Jesus had given him a great gift, and he did not want it to be taken away from him so quickly.

According to one tradition, Lazarus fled to Cyprus, where he eventually met with the Apostle Paul, who appointed him Bishop in the newly formed church, responsible for sharing the good news of God’s love, as given through Christ…

A message he knew well, having received it in person from Jesus, as he was called back to life.

Yet, the trauma of his death and return must have weighed heavily on Lazarus…

Today, he would probably be diagnosed with PTSD…because, why not?

Being brought back from the day has got to be traumatic!

Tradition also tells us that after he came back, Lazarus seldom smiled or laughed. Instead, he remained taciturn, withdrawn and serious.

But he also became known for his piety, devotion to shepherding the church, and to helping all those in need. It was believed that this new life of service was inspired by what he had seen while in the land of the dead for those four days.

Trauma is something that many of us can relate to.

Most of us have known sorrow and suffering that has changed who we are, or has changed the lives of those we love…and now we are sharing another time of trial…together!

What all of us are going through will change our lives, because we can never go back to where we were before the virus hit, we are different people, just like a person in recovery from addiction…

Just like Lazarus.

While I do not believe that it is ever God’s Will for us to suffer, as Jesus pointed out, sometimes suffering can help bring out the best in us.

How we face this trauma can show the world what it means to be followers of Christ, to truly walk in his footsteps.

These times can make us stronger people, stronger in faith, and stronger in love and compassion for each other. Facing these challenges can also lead us to find reconciliation at a time when it seems as if many have been trying to pull us father apart.

We can find unity in having gone through a common trial, one that transcends all of our differences: politics, religion or race.

And we need to rely upon each other to get through this, and then to move beyond the virus and into a new life, because we can never go back…but that is okay, because when Jesus raised up Lazarus, he did not call upon him to back to his old life, but to a new one…a true gift of love.

The same new life promised to all of us in his resurrection on Easter morning, when Jesus himself stepped out of the darkness and into the light of a new day.

This promise was given to all of us on that early morning, as Christ came to change the world with the good news of God’s love for all people…a message we are all called to share together.

We share this message by caring for each other, and supporting each other, for wherever this message is shared, we inspire hope in each other.

Hope, that is sorely needed…not only today, in the midst of this crisis, but for the world that we will be moving into…together.

For this too shall pass…and we will all find recovery as we are all called back into the light to proclaim that God’s love still shines brightly!


What Happened to Lazarus After His Resurrection? | A Russian ...A depiction of St. Lazarus

Jesus and The Blind Man

jesus blind man


March 22, 2020

John 9:1-41; Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Lent has become a very real for us this year…

Not only are we following Jesus as he journeys towards the cross, we may be feeling as if we are actually making that journey ourselves…

We are experiencing things that most of us never thought we’d see…not outside of a movie or a TV show.

During this season, we have found ourselves living with uncertainty and anxiety, in danger of getting lost in the darkness that comes with the fear of the unknown.

Searching for meaning, seeking the light…when all we want is for things to go back to normal.

When we are not even be sure what ‘normal’ means any more.

For the blind man in today’s gospel, the darkness was normal, it was all he knew…to be healed was something he could hardly imagine.

Then, Jesus came along and changed everything…

He gave the blind man sight, for the first time ever, and gave him a new ‘normal’.

We may read of this miracle and think that the blind man’s life was great after Jesus restored his sight, but healing is not always easy, while the blind man was given a miracle, it came with a price: lots of questions and accusations, and a lot to get used to, as his life would never be the same again.

He had to learn a whole new way to live, as he could never go back to the life he knew.

A few years ago, while walking out to my car, I slipped and fell on the ice, and I shattered my elbow!

This left me with pins and a plate in my elbow, which led to a long and painful recovery. After a couple of weeks of healing, I started Physical Therapy. It was not fun, but with a lot of help, I was able to regain about 90% of the use of my arm.

I got better, but things did not go back to the way they were before the accident, I simply had to get used to a new normal.

Today, we too are moving towards our own new ‘normal’ and the journey between here and there will not be an easy one.

It will be difficult and painful for so many…

But with each other’s help, we will find healing; however, our lives will never be the same.

While this too shall pass, it will leave a scar.

Just as I did after my accident, and like the blind man in the Gospel, we too will need to adjust to our new lives, and we may find ourselves in mourning for what we have lost:

A job, a lifestyle, a relationship or perhaps, sadly, we may even find ourselves mourning people who have fallen victim to the virus.

Or to the fear it inspires.

And this is where faith comes in, for this is a gift that can carry us through all the changes and challenges that we will face on our way to healing.

For faith, especially when shared, enables us to face our fears, and speaks to our anxiety, as it is the good news of God’s gracious love, which surrounds and supports us always…

It is this gift that inspires to keep moving forward, giving us hope for the future, assuring us that our world can never grow so dark that the light of God’s love cannot reach us.

This is Jesus’ promise, a promise given when he told those questioning him about the miracle, and also told us, that he is the light of the world…

The true light of God’s love, given for us all…the light that we are called to share together, until it grows so strong that there is no darkness left.

The light that gives us hope on our own journey…

For it is the same light that shines forth from the empty tomb, a light that remind us that for every season of Lent, there is an Easter.

We Thirst

Image result for jesus and the woman at the well

March 15, 2020; The 3rd Sunday in Lent

John 4:5-42: Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well.

There’s an old reggae song that goes like this:

“You never miss your water, till your well runs dry /Tell me, tell me, whatcha gonna do when your well runs dry?”

Today, we may all be feeling a bit like our wells have run dry…

Not only are many of the grocery store shelves empty, but we too may be feeling kind of empty, and more than a little afraid.

Most of us have never seen days like this, the last major pandemic to go through the area happened 102 years ago, in 1918, and while we may have heard stories from grandparents or great grandparents, no one alive today has first-hand experience to share with us.

These strange days have left many of us feeling thirsty…

In need of some comfort, some support…

Thirsty for hope, something to hold on to.

In our Gospel today, we find a thirsty Jesus asking for help from an unusual source: a Samaritan woman, who had also come to get a drink.

Now, Samaritans and Jews were not supposed to get along, they treated each other with suspicion and only talked to each other when absolutely necessary.

Sharing a drink of water, would have been unheard of…because they were from such different groups, with a tradition of animosity.

The Jews considered Samaritans unclean, and would avoid them whenever possible…

But here is Jesus, asking a Samaritan woman for a drink of water, asking her for help!

Jesus was thirsty, and that thirst was greater than any prejudice he was told that he was supposed to harbor towards this woman.

The woman was also thirsty, not just for water, but for meaning and for hope!

The hope that can be found in the water of eternal life which Jesus promised her!

Today, we may be feeling just a bit afraid…and we are thirsty for comfort and reassurance, as we are facing much uncertainty…

And we are kept on edge with each announcement, report, social media posting, and news broadcast.

We are told to practice social distancing, to stay home, wash our hands, and not to touch each other, or even our own faces!

It is understandable that we would want to withdraw, to take all we can for ourselves and our families and hide behind closed doors until this danger has passed.

We are at a crucial moment: when we can widen the divisions between us, making this every person for themselves…

Or we can seek to follow the example of Jesus, and of the woman at the well.

Today, instead of putting up walls, we can put aside those things that keep us divided, and reach out to help each other with compassion and hope.

We can offer each other support, because we are all in this together…and because this is what Jesus calls us to do.

But, how do we offer each other care and support while ‘social distancing’?

How do we quench this thirst for comfort and hope if we cannot get together share these gifts?

If we cannot join for worship and fellowship?

In 1918 when events were cancelled and church services suspended, the people still had a strong sense of community…

If a house was under quarantine, neighbors would leave food and letters on doorsteps, hold conversations though closed doors or windows, and other similar acts of kindness.

Today, we can do many of these same things, but we have something that our ancestors did not have during the last great pandemic, we have the ability to text, skype and Instagram, to IM, and to stay connected in ways they would have never dreamed of…

We can also be more considerate of others, by not taking more for ourselves than needed, by getting supplies for the older folks who may be reluctant or unable to get out to search the sparse shelves for themselves.

We can slack our great thirst for hope, for the water of life, by sharing the unconditional love of God, through showing compassion for each other.

Today, we may be feeling frustrated and afraid…uncertain about what comes next.

We may even be feeling alone and lost…

But in today’s Gospel, we are told that we are never alone, and never so lost that God’s love cannot find us…

For God’s love is with us whenever we share the water offered by Jesus to the woman and the well, and given to each of us in the Resurrection!

This water gives us hope when all seems bleak, it sustains us as we grow weary as we face the trials of life: the strife and discord that can divide us, worries about money, work, family, relationships, addiction and of course…disease.

And where this water is shared, there is reconciliation, as our brokenness begins to heal, and we remember that we are all part of the family of God…

Being part of God’s family means that we are all invited to drink from the well of hope that will never run dry.

Hope that can calm our fears and quench the deepest thirst.


The Storm This Time

Image result for hurricane sandy

It was coming for us, and there was nothing we could do to stop it.

We watched on the news and the Weather Channel as it wound its way ever closer, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. We knew it was going to be a major storm, but no one knew how bad it was going to be. Every expert had a prediction, but the only thing they could agree upon was that it was going to be a direct hit, and there was nothing we could do about it!

And, as if often the case, this uncertainty bred panic!

Many headed to the supermarkets to clear them out of bread, milk and eggs. People also stocked up on batteries, bottled water, toilet paper and paper towels. Some set up generators and others armed themselves, afraid that life after the hurricane would become dangerous!

Most of us did what we could, to limit the potential for damage, cleaning up our yards, putting away loose items, cutting down dead branches, and securing our windows and doors…and praying that we would make it through the storm okay.

When it hit, Hurricane Sandy was bad, the winds whipped through the streets, the rain came down in torrents. Trees came down, basements flooded, and we were without power for a few days, but it could have been worse! Some lost power for weeks, and people at the Jersey Shore lost homes, and others lost their lives.

After the storm, something amazing happened: we all pulled together to help each other recover from the disaster.

Sometimes this help was simple, like donating to a charity or helping a neighbor clean their yard, or cut up a fallen tree. Meals were shared, as were generators, and people came together to repair rooves, windows and walls.

After the storm, the panic was forgotten, and we did what we do best: come together in the face of a crisis, putting aside our differences, to ensure that we are all lifted up from the debris, able to move forward into whatever comes next.

 In faith that no matter what trials we face, we never have to face them alone.

We can weather the current storm in the same way, not by panicking, but by coming together to support and care for each other…to see each other through the storm, no matter how bad it may be.