When We Least Expect It


April 26, 2020

Luke 24:13-35 The Road to Emmaus

Jesus appears to us in the most unlikely of places, when we least expect it, in the quietest moments and in the grimmest…God is with us, always.

Even when we are not paying attention…

Often, we can get caught up in our daily lives and struggles to see God in our lives.

And there are times when we do not feel as if we deserve God’s Grace, that it is a gift given to others, but not to us.

When I found myself in such a place, and was all consumed by troubles that seemed insurmountable, I too felt very far removed from God’s Grace.

While I knew that we are constantly surrounded by the love of God, I was not feeling it in my life, instead I felt worry and pain.

Seeking relief, I drove over to Green Lane park, and began to hike on the trails near the old nature center. At one point, I stopped to stared out across the lake, finding calmness in the still surface of the water.

At that moment, I prayed to God for a peace, and perhaps…for a sign, that everything was going to be all right, although I did not know what ‘being all right’ would look like.

Just then, a fish broke the surface of the lake, jumping up into the air…and then another and another, and I took this as my sign!

Things did work out, not right away, and it wasn’t easy, but life did improve!

With the sight of that jumping fish, I was reminded that God was with me, and had been with me all along, I was just too caught up in my pain and misery to see it, until the presence was revealed to me in that simple way!

In today’s Gospel, we find some of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, so caught up in their own lives, and their own troubles, that they did not see the miracle in their midst…unaware that they were about to have their own ‘jumping fish’ moment.

When they met the stranger, the disciples were eager to share their struggles and fears with him…sometimes it is easier to share these with a stranger, or at least safer, because you assume that there will be less room for judgement.

This is especially helpful when you are trying to make sense of things that do not make much sense at all.

As they shared with the stranger, perhaps their burdens were lessened, and the disciples began to feel better, for the first time in a long while.

Then, the stranger began to lay some truth on the disciples, scolding them for their lack of faith, and then revealing that he had a deep knowledge of the scriptures and prophesies.

Falling into the role of teacher, the stranger reassured the disciples that God had everything under control, and that what had happened was all according to plan. It would not be an easy road, but there was comfort in knowing that everything was in God’s hands.

Sometimes we too just need to stop, look and listen for what God is trying to teach us, as we walk along our own road to Emmaus.

As we face the new challenges of living during a pandemic: the changes, the losses, the uncertainty and the fears.

Even now…God is always speaking to us!

God speaks to us when we make the sacrifices that keep each other safe, like staying home and wearing a mask when we do go out…

God speaks to us through the kindness of strangers as we help each other to get through these difficult days.

God speaks through a friend who calls or texts right when needed, who speaks truth to us, even when that truth may be difficult!

God speaks to us through our loved ones, who stand by us no matter what, even if they don’t always agree with what we do, or who we are (in the moment).

Even if these connections are now maintained online or on the phone.

God speaks through the love that we share together.

God speaks to us when we are quarantined in our homes, working and supporting those who cannot pursue their livelihoods.

And when we offer comfort to those who have experienced loss at a time when we cannot give shoulder to cry on, or hugs to ease the pain.

God speaks when we can get out doors,in the rain and wind, and in the park, on a beautiful day, walking the trails, or enjoying the sun, when it bathes us in warmth, or shines off of the waters of the lakes…and even when a fish breaks the surface of its stillness.

In the same way, just as Jesus did with the disciples…before he was recognized, we are too are called to speak for God.

As we share compassion and the truth of God’s love with others…God’s Word, and Grace are revealed to all who need to hear it, for all in need of hope, who need to be reminded of God’s presence in our lives.

This truth is that there is no where we can go, no matter how deep in despair, far into quarantine, or how lost we feel, there is no where that God’s love cannot find us.

For God is always with us, surrounding us like the air we breathe…sometimes, we need to just stop, pay attention, and take a deep breath.

fish jump

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